The dogs have decided that they are responsible for keeping Ellie safe. Mauja likes to check on her from time to time. And Presley (who normally spends most of her time hiding under Jeff's desk) will not leave my side when I'm nursing, watches Ellie sleep, and this morning while my nurse was here to change my wound dressings (my c-section incision is draining) cuddled up close to Jeff and Ellie. Jeff said every time they heard the nurse's voice she got closer to them. She takes her job as protector of the baby very seriously!
Nana and Papa (my parents) left yesterday. We are so fortunate to have had the opportunity to have Ellie's grandparents here with us for so long. I grateful to my parents for helping out so much. My freezer is packed with food for the next few weeks, and all of the laundry is done. I'm glad my parents had the chance to spend so much time with Ellie, too. Today, Ellie's Bubbe and Zayde (Jeff's dad and step-mom) will come to visit. Ellie is looking forward to meeting all of her family members! We've got a pretty full schedule of visitors until the end of August.
Here are some pictures from the past week:
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