Thursday, May 16, 2013

10 Months

Ellie turned 10 months on Tuesday. 

She has 7 teeth (4 top, 3 bottom).  She is mostly wearing 6-9 month clothes, though she does have some 3-6 month clothes that still fit.  She is just starting to wave, loves to play pat-a-cake, and is still working on clapping.  She thinks that the dogs are hilarious, especially when Mauja is trying to get table food.  She stands for longer and longer periods of time, can go from sitting to standing without holding on, and can take 5 steps without holding on before falling.  She loves to listen to music (singing, the radio, her toys that make music, or songs on TV).  She's a great eater, and will eat anything we give her, though bananas and sweet potatoes are still her favorites.  This month we went swimming for the first time (still a little unsure of that), went on our first road trip (to Atlanta), and celebrated our first Mother's Day.  We are having so much fun watching Ellie learn and grow every day.  She continues to amaze us daily!

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