Sorry. I'm a little late on our 11 month post, so we're doing an 11 1/2 month update. The past few weeks have been busy! The biggest thing that happened since the last update (at 10 months), is that Ellie started walking! She had been taking steps for a while, but while on a mini-vacation in Canaveral/Cocoa Beach she started walking. Now, we can hardly keep up with her. She's a little dare-devil, trying to go down stairs or off of the couch head-first, climbing up anything that she can, and chasing the dogs around (she loves when they get excited!).
Ellie has 7 teeth (4 top, 3 bottom), and 3 stubborn teeth causing her a lot of pain and trouble, but not wanting to break through yet. She says "mama," "dada," and her favorite phrase is "dewy, dewy, dewy," though we haven't figured out what that means yet. She says it when she's having fun or is excited. She's still wearing 9 month clothes, though we put her in some 12 month items too. I just finished packing up the rest of the 6 month clothes (which are headed to my sister's house, because Ellie will have a new cousin in the fall!). Ellie is still a great eater, and will eat pretty much anything we give her. Her favorites are sweet potatoes, turkey, cheese, and kale.
Ellie is a kick. She makes me laugh every day. She has so much fun playing with her toys, her dogs, or just watching the world around her. I am having fun watching her learn and grow. I feel so blessed to be Ellie's Mama!
Spaghetti for dinner... |
...And eggs for breakfast! |
Look at those blue eyes! |
Playing in "Fort Ellie" |
With Daddy in front of Neil Armstrong's space suit at the Kennedy Space Center |
Going to the beach |
Fun in the sun |
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