Our dogs are totally spoiled. I mean, totally! It's really Mauja's fault. OK, it's mine for spoiling Mauja. Presley only wants what Mauja has, so if Mauj wasn't so rotten, Presley would be fine. But here's the thing, for a long time it was just me and Mauj. She's my best buddy and has been with me through a lot. So she was already spoiled. And then when we moved in with Jeff, despite his best efforts ("I don't like little dogs," he said), he couldn't help but fall in love with her too. Since he was at home with her all day, and she was his only office mate (it's hard working from home when you're an extrovert!) the spoiling increased monumentally!
Then we got Presley who is a nut, but the most lovable dog in the world. You wouldn't know it to watch her, but when no one else is around (she's not a fan of strangers, and anyone that doesn't live in our house, no matter how many times she's met them, is a stranger to her) Presley loves nothing more than to snuggle up and cuddle. Mauja tolerates Presley, but mostly because it means more treats are available. And Mauja loves nothing more than food. I mean it, this dog is all about food. Her favorites are bananas and bacon, but she's not picky and will take whatever you offer her. Since Presley wants what Mauja gets, she also enjoys food and treats. But she's no beggar, she'll come when called for a snack, but doesn't hop around and perform tricks for treats like Mauja.
One of Mauja's favorite things is ice cream. They sell doggie ice cream in the grocery store, but it's expensive, so they only get it on rare occasions. Then I thought, can't I make my own? So I did. I mix one super-ripe banana (the kind that's only good for banana bread) with a container of plain Greek yogurt. I add in one tablespoon of peanut butter and mix it all together.
After it's Mauja taste-test approved, I spoon it into an ice cube tray and pop it in the freezer. Once frozen, the dogs get their treats outside, since it can get messy. Mauja likes to eat hers in two bites, then wait next to Presley to help clean up Presley's mess. Presley chews hers slowly and thoughtfully, like she's savoring every bite.
Another snack I made for them is dehydrated sweet potatoes.I belong to a group sort of like a CSA, called The Veggie Bin. I get a bi-weekly box of local and seasonal produce. Unlike a lot of CSAs, we can't pick and choose our veggies. We get what we get, and if we don't like it, oh well. I don't care for sweet potatoes, and while Jeff will eat them, they aren't his favorite either. So when we got a lot of them the other day I didn't know what to do with them. I made a batch of baby food (Ellie will start solids soon!), and still had 4 left. My boss suggested I try making dog treats.
I peeled and sliced the sweet potatoes, then put just enough olive oil on them so they wouldn't stick to the pan (maybe a teaspoon?). I popped them in the oven at 175 degrees and let them bake at that low temp for about 5 hours. I turned the oven off and let them cool in the oven overnight. The dogs LOVE them. Can't get enough sweet potato treats! And they're so pretty with their bright orange and purple colors (have you ever seen purple sweet potatoes? They aren't as sweet as the orange).
Can you tell which dog has better manners?