Tuesday, December 11, 2012

50 Things I want to Teach my Daughter

I've been working on this list since Ellie was about a week old.  Now that she's almost 5 months, I think I have a good start.  This is by no means a complete list of the things I want to teach Ellie, but it's a start. 

What would you add to my list?

1.       Birthday cake makes an excellent breakfast

2.       You can’t move forward if you’re standing still

3.       A strong man won’t be threatened by a strong woman

4.       You are beautiful

5.       It’s ok to cry, just make sure you laugh too

6.       It’s ok to say no

7.       Your voice counts, make sure others can hear you

8.       Take pictures, but don’t be so caught up in capturing memories that you miss the experience

9.       Dove will keep your skin soft

10.   Don’t let anyone convince you do to things you don’t want to do

11.   A toothbrush is a great cleaning tool

12.   Your heart will probably get broken at least once.  Even though it won’t feel like it at the time, know that it will heal.

13.   Forgive

14.   Don’t be afraid to try new things

15.   Learn from your mistakes

16.   Be honest, but be nice about it

17.   The easiest way is usually not the best way

18.   Keep your promises

19.   Think of others before yourself

20.   You are loved

21.   You are worthy of being loved

22.   A dog is a wonderful friend

23.   Dessert is always better with chocolate

24.   A hammock and a good book are a great way to pass some time

25.   A good book does not always mean a great piece of literature.  A beach read, or a book about teenaged vampires can entertain you just as much

26.   Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means you’ll be standing alone

27.   Follow your heart

28.   You don’t have to eat everything on your plate, but you should always try at least one bite

29.   It’s your job to keep yourself happy, but you aren’t responsible for anyone else’s happiness

30.   Don’t be afraid to share your passion with those that you love

31.   Your perspective and opinion are valuable and valid.  Don’t be afraid to share

32.   You are stronger than you can ever imagine.  No matter what tests life throws at you, you will get through it.  Even if it’s so hard that you want to give up, you won’t, and you’ll realize how tough you really are.  I know this because I watched Nana be so strong when things were so hard.  I’ve had to be stronger and tougher than I ever thought I could be, but I did it.  You have this strength in your blood, and in time you’ll realize that you can get through anything.

33.   Life only gives you the challenges that you can handle.  You may sometimes think that’s not the case, or that you’ve been dealt a bad hand with too much to handle, but you’ll surprise yourself.  You can overcome any challenge you are given. 

34.   Learn to look at issues from more than one perspective.  Make your own decisions and opinions only after doing your research.

35.   Be an independent thinker.  Don’t do something because you think it’s what Daddy or I want you to do.  Do something because it’s what will make you happy.  We’ll love you either way.  Always.  No matter what.

36.   Don’t keep your thoughts and feelings bottled up inside.  You are allowed to feel however you feel, your thoughts are valid.  Don’t be afraid to tell someone if you’re upset with them. 

37.   Learn how to sort laundry

38.   Realize that while you may think your way is the best way, someone else might have an equally good idea.  Let them give it a shot.

39.   Put your clean clothes away before they get wrinkly.  Otherwise, you’ll have to iron, and that’s the worst chore.

40.   Travel

41.   Not every day is going to be easy.  Remember, though, not every day will be hard, either.  Take each day as it comes; Learn and grow daily

42.   You’re never too old or too smart to learn new things

43.   Appreciate opportunities

44.   Don’t give up when things are hard, that’s when you need to dig your heels in and keep going

45.   Sing and bop your head along to the radio in the car without worrying about what people who might see you will think

46.   Learn to drive a manual transmission (if Daddy doesn’t teach you, I will)

47.   Eat your veggies

48.   Find something you love for your career, even if it’s not the highest paid position.  All the money in the world won’t make you happy if you hate what you’re doing to earn it

49.   Surround yourself with good, happy, supportive people

50.   You’re never too old to need your Mama.  And I will always be here for you.  No matter what.


  1. I love 32 and 39. I still need to learn the manual transmission!

  2. Drink your milk. No one wants osteoperosis.
    Dance parties are fun, whether you are with others or by yourself.
    Compression socks keep your feet from swelling on long trips.
