Today Ellie is 3 weeks old!
It's been a busy week. Mostly, we've been working on finding a routine that works for us and figuring out our nursing issues. Things seem to be under control, and we've gotten into a rhythm that works. Ellie is finally starting to figure out the difference between day and night, slowly but surely. She'll have it all figured out soon enough, I have no doubt. The doctor cut Ellie's frenulum earlier this week, since she was a little tongue tied. It was supposed to help with nursing, but she still has a lot of trouble without the nipple guard, and even sometimes with it if she's too hungry or tired. We started bottle feeding her my expressed milk in those instances, and that's much easier. Since we started that feedings have a lot fewer tears (from both her and me!).
My c-section incision is finally starting to heal and is much less painful. I'm still taking pain medicine, especially going to bed and getting up in the morning (laying down seems to make the pain worse), but not as often. It looks a lot better, and hopefully my doctor will be pleased with the progress when I see her on Tuesday. She had an emergency the day of my appointment this week, so I saw a different doctor who decided we didn't need to pack it anymore and we could just let it heal on its own. I have a feeling that's not what my regular doctor would have said, but who am I to argue (especially when it involves NOT packing a gaping wound in my abdomen, which is incredibly painful)?
Jeff has been great, and I'm so glad that he works from home so he's here to help me out. I have no idea how other moms do this when their partners have to be away at work all day. I'm fortunate that my husband is home with me (though he might argue that Ellie and I are a huge distraction and he may wish for an office so he could actually get some work done!). Jeff also wanted me to mention that Ellie saw her first monster truck today. We drove through a Monster Truck Show at the mall today -- weird, and totally Florida. I oddly love Monster Trucks, so we're looking forward to taking Ellie to her first Monster Truck Rally in a few years.
Here are some pictures from this week:

Presley is not allowed on the couch, but this was too cute with her up there to look at Ellie.

Ellie is working on growing a little rat tail. A good look, no?

With her Zayde and Bubbe

Mauja watching her play

A close up of curious Mauj.

Her eyes are already getting darker; They'll be brown soon for sure!

Tummy time is exhausting!