Monday, April 15, 2013

Nine Months

Ellie turned 9 months old yesterday.  She doesn't go to the doctor for her 9 month check up until next week.  I'll update with her progress then.  Until then, here's what she's been up to:

Playing with her hippo/dragon after church on Easter
  • Moving all around -- crawling, cruising, you name it, Ellie is doing everything but walking (though her Daddy did see her take a couple of steps without holding on, it was an isolated event)
  • Standing on her own (no hands!) for 10-15 seconds
  • Screaming!
  • Giving high fives
  • Understanding the word, "No!" (though she doesn't always listen)
  • Mastering that pincer grasp and self-feeding
  • Teething -- 4 teeth to date, including the 2 bottom front and 2 top incisors (Ellie's vampire teeth!)
  • Holding her bottle
  • Giving kisses (say "gimme a kiss" and she'll lean right in a kiss ya)
  • Finding her independence and entertaining herself through play
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

These peas are so good I'm going to scream!  Because that's what I do, happy, sad, angry, it doesn't matter, listen to how loud I can be!

Somehow Ellie managed to switch places with Mauja and got on the outside of her playroom, while Mauj got locked in.

Happy Easter!

Showing off those teeth!

With Great Aunt Sharon in St. Simmons, GA

Being a baby is HARD work!

Whatcha got in your mouth?  Can I have it? 

So serious!

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