Ellie turned 9 months old yesterday. She doesn't go to the doctor for her 9 month check up until next week. I'll update with her progress then. Until then, here's what she's been up to:
Playing with her hippo/dragon after church on Easter |
- Moving all around -- crawling, cruising, you name it, Ellie is doing everything but walking (though her Daddy did see her take a couple of steps without holding on, it was an isolated event)
- Standing on her own (no hands!) for 10-15 seconds
- Screaming!
- Giving high fives
- Understanding the word, "No!" (though she doesn't always listen)
- Mastering that pincer grasp and self-feeding
- Teething -- 4 teeth to date, including the 2 bottom front and 2 top incisors (Ellie's vampire teeth!)
- Holding her bottle
- Giving kisses (say "gimme a kiss" and she'll lean right in a kiss ya)
- Finding her independence and entertaining herself through play
Happy St. Patrick's Day! |
These peas are so good I'm going to scream! Because that's what I do, happy, sad, angry, it doesn't matter, listen to how loud I can be! |
Somehow Ellie managed to switch places with Mauja and got on the outside of her playroom, while Mauj got locked in. |
Happy Easter! |
Showing off those teeth! |
With Great Aunt Sharon in St. Simmons, GA |
Being a baby is HARD work! |
Whatcha got in your mouth? Can I have it? |
So serious! |
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