Thursday, February 21, 2013

Goodbye, Sal

Earlier this week one of my colleagues passed away after a major stroke.  Sal Gabbamonte (in the picture above -- the only man surrounded by women) was a great man to work with.  He was funny, smart, and truly cared about his students and his field.  He was a great teacher and so many people were lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from him. 

Today we went to Sal's memorial service.  Jeff knew Sal too, so he wanted to be able to pay his respects.  Since our babysitter wasn't available after 2 pm today, Ellie came with us.  She did really well, and was (mostly) quiet throughout the service.  It was a lovely service.  Sal would have been pleased (and humbled) to see so many people come out to show their love for him and support for his wife Marie, and their children and grandchildren. 

I'm fortunate to have had the chance to work with Sal.  I will truly miss him, and I know everyone else in our office will too.  Thanks for everything, Sally.  Heritage will never be the same without you. 

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